
How to Know About Musical Instruments

Music is the best way for entertainment. Musical instruments play an important role for music. If we classify  according to Indian musical instruments  there are four types of musical instruments.

String Instrument or Chordophones  or Tantu Vadya

These instruments contains string. Violin, Sarangi, Sitar, Guitar, Santoor etc  are example of Tantu Vadya. Some string instruments are played by finger Sitar and Guitar. Some instruments are played by bow those are Sarangi, Violin. Some instruments produce sound by hitting. Santoor is  illustration of that. String instruments produce melodious sound.

Wind Instrument or Aerophones  or Sushir Vadya

Aerophone is a class of musical instruments which produce sound with vibration of air. There are some famous aerophone musical instruments are flute, clarinet, trumpet, bagpipe saxophone, accordion, harmonium etc. Aerophones are made from wood, metal and brass.

Percussion Instrument or Membranophone  or Avnadh Vadya

Membranophones produce sound by the vibration of a stretched membrane. The example of membranophones are tabla, dhol, nal, pakhawaj, mridangam etc. There are some western membranophoes are drum, snare drum, bass drum, tambourine etc. Membranophones are also known as percussion instruments. Percussion instruments create sound by hitting or sting. Percussion instruments are played by wooden stick or hand.

Some Indian percussion instruments are played finger. Like tabla, dholak, nal, pakhawaj, mridangam are played by finger. Tabla is played by complex fingering. Nakkara is an instrument played in Nautanki. Nakkara is played by wooden stick, Nautanki is art of Uttar Pradesh.

Idiophones or Ghan Vadya

Idiophone is a class of musical instruments. Idiophones are made from wood, metal or stone.  This creates sound by itself. This is played as with specific patter ton create fusion with musical instruments. Bells, clappers and rattles, manjira, kartal etc.

This is brief introduction of musical instruments.

There is one more class of musical instruments is called electrophones.  A class of musical instruments in which sound is produced by electronically amplified. Electronically amplified instruments are electric guitar, piano and synthesizer (keyboard), electric organs etc.

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